Thursday, September 6, 2007

Shall We Begin?

Isn't it strange how your life turns out so different from what you thought it might be?

I'm a white, middle-class, college-educated (I use the term loosely) woman who frequently feels as though everyone else in the world "has it together" a lot better than me. I often suspect that everyone's cars and homes are much cleaner than mine. Everyone else has the clutter bug beaten into submission and they're never late with their taxes. Other women always know what they're planning for dinner... and no matter how much weight they gain, their husbands still love them unconditionally. Wow... what a thought.

Don't worry. I do realize that we all deal with various sets of issues that affect us all pretty much in the same way. It all boils down to insecurity and fear, doesn't it? Why does it rule us so? Why does it rule me? Why do I let it?

Let's sit with this for a bit and reflect.

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